Weird things…….

Some things just feel weird. Like today, the phone was connected in the new house. Yep, weird……I will be getting a new phone number after all these years. And tomorrow, Stephanie comes home from college for Thanksgiving break. It also feels weird….my daughter coming home for a “visit.”

But what can I do? Life happens, and we are all around for the ride. In my younger years I suppose I would be quite a bit more philosophical about the changes in my life (those are just to, but there are many) but I find now that pondering about things often just puts you behind. So this is to say, I learn a new number and live with it. AND, I just ought to enjoy Stephanie being home before things like a husband and grandchildren enter the picture and I wonder how it ever happened.
I really do miss the wisdom of my grandpa who taught me to take in each day and enjoy it. I suppose I ought to remember that at this point in my life.
Unfortunately for me, my lack of memory is another one of those weird changes.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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