Time flies when you are doing anything but closing tomorrow……

I cannot tell you how excited we are about tomorrow. At 3pm we will finally close on our home. As I have said before, we are buying it from friends who are delighted that we will be living here, and the whole thing has special meaning for me, and I believe for us all.

I will say that most of the high waves we have been dealing with have now all become manageable. I was worried after renting a U-Haul to pack my mom’s stuff and move it, when the bank called shortly after I finished to say the underwriter wanted to know a few more things. It required me to drop everything and head back 30 miles to my laptop and printer, because even in these days of technology we are still dependent upon the FAX. But in just a few hours all was settled. My stress now is about how much to wire to a 3pm closing…..the amount I will find out in the morning. They know how to cut everything to the wire.
But the good news is that by tomorrow at dinner we will own the house, and our friends will finally not own two homes…..we will! I do hope they celebrate with a big bottle of wine and a nice dinner. We will probably have some Taco Bell and unpack a few more boxes…..but it will be home, and it is a blessing to us all.
Anyway, tomorrow will come sooner if I go to bed……it’s certainly not scientific (because it is wrong) but deep down I believe it. So to bed I go.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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