Nothing to see here…….

Sub-zero temperatures, school cancellation, travel advisories, and just another day here at the Tirman home!  Yes, I was out for a few short trips in my truck, but it was well before I was informed of any travel restrictions.  Ignorance of the law I understand is no excuse, but we are taking care of some friends’ pets, and the very cold weather makes that even more important.

But despite the stressful weather, inside the house it has been pretty fun.  Viper and Ben are all about Scott, and as you can see from tonight’s picture, Viper trails him wherever he goes, so much so in fact that as Scotty stopped on the stairs to talk to Amanda and me, Viper just sat down (poorly) next to him. He cracks me up.  Scotty has said that he sleeps right on top of him…..too funny.

As I write this it is -13 outside.  It is pretty hard to imagine it much worse.  Steph thankfully drove back to school on Saturday and made it there before all the bad weather hit.  She too is stranded at her house, but she is warm and safe.  I just pray this night for those who are not….it is brutal out there.

But for now I will just call it a day.  There is nothing too bizarre or spectacular to report.

But on a day like today I have to confess I like it that way.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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