The Promise……

This morning Ben had a total meltdown. Of course his world has been turned upside down, and his schedule has been majorly disrupted, but it certainly didn’t make things any easier……on any of us.

But on the way to the sitter he and I had a conversation. I thought it would be an exciting one for him, but apparently it was not. Our “tractor” (a decent sized garden tractor) was being delivered this morning (along with our snow blower) and he had been waiting on it for weeks. Of course, mid-meltdown his interest was to be obstinate and not compliant or conversational. The new tractor is actually a Husqvarna, which is a kind of dark orange color, and Ben knows that so on the ride he talked about how he wanted a “green” tractor and nothing else. And though he was promised that he could sit on my lap and drive the orange one, he was insistent that is was green or nothing.
When I picked him up at the end of the day however, he apparently had a change of heart. He asked me if we were going home to ride HIS ORANGE TRACTOR……..and that we did. We took a full lap around the yard and he couldn’t have been happier.
In all honesty, so was I.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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