Happy Birthday Stephanie…..

Yes, my daughter turned 19 today, and although I know she is away at college, I do feel this incredible sense of guilt in that it is the first birthday of hers that I have not been with her to celebrate. We did send her a gift, and Amanda did arrange a sneaky surprise dinner for her and her friends, which I originally spelled “fiends,” (too funny huh?) thanks to her friend Lindsey (THANKS LINDSEY!). But of course I would have rather been there myself.

Of course I will be able to take her out for dinner and cake in just a few days, since she comes home for Christmas break on the 10th. What matters I suppose is that she has had a blast on her birthday, and at 19, thinking back, I would imagine I was not on that “first choice” guest list anyhow, so I will not worry about it at all. I am just happy for her.
So Happy Birthday Stephanie! We are proud of you and are looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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