Nope, not crazy……

I normally am on top of things, but tonight I feel a bit frustrated. I was supposed to be hosting a conference call this evening with my clergy, and not only did I forget, but only one of them remembered and called me about it. I was not goofing off when I got his call, but painting. It was embarrassing. I really should have remembered.

PLUS…..our website still has the information up about our December 20th retreat with our Bishop, a retreat that we postponed due to an emergency in his family. I ALSO want to put up information about a missionary we want to get the word out on, but the computer that has Microsoft Frontpage on it has magically disappeared or is somewhere in a box.
Oh, there IS good news. Earlier today I DID FIND the power cord for the laptop that networks the printer. So printing will be less of an issue very soon, but it sure would be nice to know where our stuff is……hopefully soon.
Of course at least we know where the kids are, and that seems to be a blessing (at least most of the time), but I am still focusing on the missing laptop.
So for now I will go and take an additional sweep of some target areas. Yep, I have searched them before too. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. No worries……I have had a stroke. I will just forget I searched there about five minutes later. No insanity here.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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