No picture, but you really wouldn’t want one……

On days like today I wish I had a do-over button. From the very start it has not gone well.

First of all, I am still having problems with my eyes. It required another tip to the eye doctor, some more medicine, a really crappy “daily” routine, and the discussion that this condition tends to be chronic, rather than acute. It was not a real good way to start my day….but from there it all went downhill anyway.
Without sharing all the gory details, what I can say is that I am just hoping for a better day tomorrow. It is the week before Christmas, and always a busy one. I cannot say that I am all too pleased about how it is starting out, but God-willing, I will make it to the end of it. Just please say a prayer for me if you get a chance today!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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