
It’s just another day here at the Tirman home.  My wife is working, I am avoiding being in the way, and Ben is clearly studying Quantum Physics.  Only a real boss could read such things with a silly straw behind his ear like a pencil.  His grandma sent us this one.  He looks pretty studious.

But don’t kid yourselves, it is most probably a ruse.  Ben is about 123% dedicated to goofing or slacking off and there is a very clear and discernible difference. PLUS we cannot discount that there may be something going on with Ben and his grandma.  They are always in cahoots about something and this odd duck attire just may be part of a larger more fun filled thing they are planning.  After all, she took the picture.

He however is still on a pretty tight leash here, and when I say tight leash here I mean only when we can catch him.  Each day is different from the rest. And although we miss the sweet little easy going guy a lot, he just continues t get better and better.  These are always hard weeks.  Steph had to leave but misses him.  Scotty will be leaving Sunday.  And soon it it back to just the three of us (which we define as living life without backup)  We will however survive.

But is a been a busy week……no school means no rest….and no rest means doing a lot.  It  is a great blessing though to have any or all the kids around.  Ben is not my first rodeo and the other two have turned out fine (okay, maybe not Scott…but Kenzie keeps him in line)  I know we are just thankful for them all, crazy ear pencils and all…..because they wouldn’t be real Tirmans if a little crazy wasn’t part of the description.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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