Evil doesn’t stand a chance……..

The biggest challenge of writing my blog after doing what they eye doctor wants me to do with my eyes is seeing through all the gunk (my technical description of the medicine he prescribed) well enough to type, let alone to see.

And that’s too bad too, seeing as all the action tonight was blurry there in the boys’ room where they were hiding first from the “evil dog” (the Golden Retriever), the “evil wind” (the fan), and the “evil pajamas,” which was just a way of avoiding bedtime. The “evil mommy” (a piece of the night’s drama that can be debated as not fantasy) came in and made sure those pajamas, evil or not, were “installed,” and the adventure came to an abrupt end. At least that’s what I could hear….but they say when you are blind your other senses get better…..too bad I already qualify for hearing aids.
But the good part is that I am home, reasonably sure I will not be going out tomorrow, and have three full days to see better, get my voice back, and prepare for Christmas services. At this point I am just so very thankful I can count on the boys to be battling all the evil here in the house.
It is really going to free up some time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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