Da plow……..

Although it felt great, when you are already under the weather, shoveling the parking lot at St. Patrick’s by hand was perhaps a bit much. It DID need to be done, and to be honest, I had no desire to head over and sweat my brains out right before services on Christmas Eve. It however is done, and I pray no more snow comes before Friday, and that no one takes our shovel like they did the last one.

But I was there to help Amanda. We adopted a family for Christmas at St. Patrick’s and tonight was the collection and delivery time. No, I didn’t take a picture showing how much was collected, nor did I ask to take their pictures. What we did as a congregation was to just reach out and help a family in need….period. I am thankful we did. Other than that whole marrying me thing, Amanda seems to make pretty good decisions.
So for now I will head off to bed with two very busy days ahead. It has been a great day. I hope to feel better soon!
Goodnight and God Bless!

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