Bulldogs get your paws up!!!!

Yes, I know this is a second shot of an event over the holiday, but it does express how Ben, as a true Lapel Bulldog (how convenient I went to Butler so the Bulldog theme fits) felt to find out this afternoon that school has ONCE AGAIN been cancelled.  Yep, he got an additional week off.  And the ever popular Lapel Elementary song “Bulldogs Get Your Paws Up” is probably being sung today all over our community……by everyone but the parents.

But I am happy for him.  Scotty is still home for another few days, Kenzie is around too, and it really IS like a vacation to him.  Of course if things keep going his way he will never get out of first grade, but the good news is that  he seems quite content with the possibility (as I am sure most of his friends are as well).

This however takes me back to growing up in what was then a small place, Mishawaka, Indiana.  Of course we had school too and I won’t make up any stories like we had to walk to school 5 miles up his everyday and both ways (I will leave those stories to my dad’s generation) but we did have snow.  And here is the big tada in all of it, when it snowed WE WENT TO SCHOOL.  Whether it was just 4 inches (summer) or 16 feet (the rest of the year), our Superintendent would wake up, get a coffee, walk to the front door of his house, open it up, see nothing but white and think “What a wonderful day to go to school!”  He did this of course for two reasons, one, on this issue he was clearing incapable of saying the word “no.” And two, he was from my dad’s generation and clearly projecting.  Either way where I grew up you would wake up and think, “I wonder if I have school today,” and then you would laugh hysterically.  It was just like living in Wisconsin, but without Aaron Rodgers.

Anyway, thankfully I am able to hang with him all day.  I am now a Lapel Bulldog parent, but will forever be a Beiger Junior High School Bulldog and a Butler Bulldog too.  And I will get my paws up along with him.  After all, I am a kid at heart and a snow day is a snow day for whoever gets it! Congratulations Bulldogs, you finally have accomplished that of which we never able.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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