The Great Hunter….

I have decided to change my life….and with that, our dog’s too. Viper and I began walking yesterday, and although I am not certain I believe the distance that is calculated through the GPS on my phone, it is the actual discipline that matters. Viper and I will walk about an hour each day.

Of course it is ridiculously easy to walk a show dog, or at least I thought. He carries his own leash and at least in the ring, never leaves my side. But unlike any ring, and unlike our prior neighborhood, this neighborhood is loaded…….not with money, but with squirrels!
In retrospect, I wish I had squirrels when I was training him for the ring, because he is certainly interested. He wants to chase, but in truth he wouldn’t catch a thing. I just do not want to irritate neighbors. I personally like the squirrels in our yard, although I am sure he will attempt to chase them all. I KNOW for a FACT that he will not want to rid our yard (2 acres) of them, but he is just in it for the chase. Everything is a game to Viper, and it is fun to see. He is a great dog, and it cracks me up that he even thinks he could catch one.
Of course I am his role model. No one in their right mind would ever think I could be married to someone as attractive or as smart as my wife, so I suppose if you are Viper you might think you would have a chance at anything. After all, they are just squirrels…..I caught a cheetah! And when you are an old goat like Viper and me, those things have meaning.
And even if he doesn’t catch one, at least he has his stuffed squirrel here at home!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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