Of Winter and Wintery things…….

I was told that another big storm was headed our way on Tuesday that may be larger than anything else we have experienced thus far this year. People are already hitting the grocery stores and stocking up, and many are talking about how bad it will be. But it is winter here in Indiana, and the truth is, it snows.

But I do not want to complain, because 10 inches is a decent amount of snow in any community……..and particularly Miami, Florida (although it never really happens there). But by birth, I am a northerner, and I know that many of the friends I grew up with look at what is considered a “snowstorm” down here and think, “maybe we could vacation there so we could have a much milder winter.” My friends at home still often tunnel to work, whereas we drive here on plowed roads.
But I do not know really what to think anymore, because despite this being the first season I have ever owned a snow blower, and despite it working like a champ, I am still ready for it to stop snowing and to get warm again……and that says a lot from a guy who loves WINTER more than any other season. (Yeah, I know that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I was hit by lightening when I was 16…so it obviously effected me.)
But for now I will just gas up the snow blower and wait for the white stuff to fall. I am just thankful I am home for it to meet me here, because there is not too much that is worse than bad weather when you travel.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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