The Snowed Inn…….

There are so many different titles I could use for this blog tonight, because we all raced home in order to be snowed and iced in together. I am thankful for the fact that we all get along, although I am sure from time to time all of them will consider the warm Bahamas vacation they can have together if someone will just find me frozen in the yard.

But at 6-ish it began to ice up and now it is snowing. No, it will not be as severe as Chicago, but if you had to be trapped with me for the next 24 hours you just might prefer Chicago. The nice part is that our house is big and we can hide from each other. I know this because I often practice this discipline on “chore day,” but who am I to give away secrets?
My hope however is that this storm passes and that tomorrow finds us outside with the snow blower laughing it up. I do worry about the ice……not for us because we are already home, but for those who have to be out and traveling… it treacherous. Police and firefighters are particularly in my prayers. These are busy AND dangerous times for them.
But for now I will head to bed and just pray that the ice doesn’t knock out our power. I DO LOVE ICE, but as a hockey player I love it only for skating. This stuff I could do without.
And a big birthday wish yesterday to an old teammate, Bruce Bennett (he’s on Facebook, look him up). Keep playing that guitar brother, and keep your stick on the ice!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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