Coach Corry, where art thou????

I am so happy today is finally over. Do not get me wrong, I love what I do. But I am so very far behind that I need to catch up. And I will spend the lion’s share of the next two days doing just that….catching up.

There really is nothing more frustrating to me than getting behind. Being behind is like trying to dig a hole in quicksand….as fast as you did it fills right back up. It takes patience and a lot of dedication to make progress, and truthfully I NEED to make that progress. Lacrosse practice begins Tuesday after school and it will be a daily deal for me from then until June. (Of course I have that whole priest-gig going on too.)
But I am excited to get started. I am handicapped however in that this is the first year I have not had my partner in crime, my Administrative Coach, Lisa Corry….she retired! (She and I are in this picture with our daughters at JUNIOR PROM because I could not find that classic coaching picture that she could find in an instant!) But I have to order uniforms, and surprise surprise, my players have not turned in all their forms or fees, and I, with my stroke-infested mind, will have to try and chase all that down tomorrow. Because not everyone fulfilled their responsibilities too, we will start the year without everyone having practice jerseys too. To me it is a BIG FLAG of an undisciplined team, and that is something we will begin to work on Tuesday right away.
But for now, I am surrendering quicker than France to my day. I just want to call it a day and relax. It is 10:30 and I would take Viper out for a walk if he were not already in bed with Ben. They are both happier than clams, which I clearly do not know what that means because I am not only from Indiana, but I am allergic. But I suppose you understand my intent.
So bedtime it is. The day is done, and that is my blessing. I hope however your entire day has been blessed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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