In da studio…..

Oh yeah baby….I wish it were a workout studio, because if it were I might be in better shape, but in fact it is filled with MUSIC equipment that I haven’t a clue how to use. So the picture is of Ben on the treadmill I rarely see and the video which I could not get to post was of he and Scott singing Twinkle Twinkle….okay mostly Ben singing it (and poorly), because I think Scott knows all the words.

But the great part is that the basement is back in use after just two days of being down. Of course our driveway’s portico is filled with wet carpet awaiting the dumpster that I ordered today. And that dumpster will see that carpet and quite a few other things too. I just cannot wait for it to get here. Amanda however has said that I cannot throw her in there, and I checked that out with Bishop Loomis too….apparently it is not okay.
But for now I will be happy with what I have, and to this point I will describe it as “progress.” The flood has put me days behind, but I do not care. As long as I am making progress I should be happy.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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