I remember……

March 10th…..oddly enough we were at dinner with my dad tonight when I remembered that I was priested today some 21 years ago.

I suppose I forgot about it, like I do many other anniversaries, because really they all are indicators of events. And although there is a propensity with events, like ordinations, weddings, graduations and such, to see them as arrival points, I in fact see them quite differently……I see them as sort of starting lines.
To explain, after all the hard work of getting to any of these events, why would we then just focus on the event rather than what it signifies we are moving into…perhaps a ministry, or a marriage, our our lives, or a vocation? Too often however I find people holding onto the date, or the memory of the event, as if it’s really the THING. It’s not. Life is waiting, and we are supposed to live it.
So off of my soap box for tonight and off to bed I go! I will celebrate the day by admitting that being a priest often wears me out….apparently for the last 21 years.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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