Lacrosse boys living the basketbal dream…..

Brothers…..go figure. Tonight Amanda is meeting a friend of hers for dinner, and although I am dieting, my two boys ordered themselves two pizzas (since they both want what they want) and then after gorging themselves went out to play basketball together in the driveway. As for me, I was not invited to play, so I just watched them as my stomach growled and my nose kept saying, “isn’t that pizza I smell?”

But it is worth it. You see, there are more pictures than that cute little picture of Ben taking communion yesterday. There was also one of who I originally though was Jabba the Hut, but as I looked closer I thought, “Either Jabba the Hut is wearing a purple vestment, or that is me.” And it was. I really felt ashamed and wanted to call everyone I knew to apologize. Enough of the screwing around. Things are gonna change.
I was looking at a friends posting of our high school hockey pictures on Facebook earlier today. I was skinny, sure, and we used to lie on our program about my height and weight. But that was 30 years ago. So with God as my witness, I will be back in fighting shape by my 50th birthday.
Of course, here’s the confession…….I will be 50 June 19th. So this is to say that I am not really 35 like I have been telling everyone….nor is my nickname “Thor.” I am just a guy like so many others who needs to get it together.
What I want you to know is that I will.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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