Confirming the obvious…….

There is a lot happening in our churches, and today it was evident as Bishop Loomis confirmed quite a few people in 2 different churches today. (The picture is from St. Patrick’s, the smaller of the two services where there were just four people Confirmed, well actually 3 and one Reaffirmation, but in all honesty we are just as good looking in all of our churches!)

But today reminded me of not so long ago where as a priest I would struggle to see people really step up and out professing their faith. It seems to be a problem we no longer have, but then the leadership I/we are under is different. The expectation of the leadership of my past was focused upon the principles of tolerance and acceptance, which are both great principles…….as long as they are grounded in the Gospel. When they are not, things become diluted, and dilution, by definition, is something that weakens something else. And when that something is the power of Christ to change lives, well then, it really not something anyone should profess.
So gladly I watched the Bishop lay his hands upon people who are getting it and heading in the right direction…..not diluting their lives and asking for God’s blessing upon mediocrity, but humbly confessing who they are and then willingly professing Christ. It’s a powerful way forward and not a stopping point. And I am so blessed to see it happening before me in our midst!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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