The Break……

Since I am no longer a student, I tend to calculate my breaks on the ones we take during lacrosse season. And since there is no school Friday due to Spring Break for the students, and because many families leave for vacation after school on Thursday, tonight was our last practice until April 11th. And although I do not think we are quite ready for such a rest as a team at this point, I will say I will be enjoying the time off.

But of course for me it is pretty hard to just rest. I am plenty busy and often resting puts me behind….an being behind just makes things worse. So I try to stay focused, and keep the ship afloat…..and if were just a sailor I would have a bat’s chance of knowing what that means.
But for now I must just declare that I am on break. No, lacrosse will not disappear. The men’s coach actually scheduled two games during break so I know I will get to them. But I will only have to watch. Scott is fun to watch too. And I HOPE to get to a game of Steph’s too, since they play at least three this week somewhere within 10,000 miles from here, which is far closer than usual.

So break will be……some kind of break, but quite honestly I do not know what. But once again, my life revolves around what is happening with my kids. Go figure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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