March on…….

I always heard the expression as I was growing up about March either going in like a lamb and out like a lion, or visa-versa. But it seems it went both in and out like a lamb, which after a winter which was really “all lion” that is fine with me. And not that anyone is really interested in how I feel about it, but it does make me feel better to say it.

So this means that the cold weather is most probably gone, and I can now turn my anxious mind toward getting my body into swimsuit shape. Of course that task seems so very daunting to me, so perhaps I will turn it to trading the positions of the snow blower and the lawn tractor in the garage. Yes, I know it will be hard, but I will take a break in between driving them out and then backing them back into the garage. It’s hard work, but somebody needs to do it.
Then awaits the lawn. No it is not needing a mow yet, but April always brings such things. And I must say, it will be a challenge. First of all, it is not square. And secondly, it is much larger than our prior lawn. A parishioner of mine in the business is coming out to tell me what I need to do in terms of fertilizer and upkeep. I may need to get a job as a pastor on TBN where they make that kind of cash…..though I am pretty sure none of them mows their own lawn……so that was just a joke. I will be doing it all myself to save save save.
But the same people also say, “April showers bring May flowers,” but I know that is not really true. The flowers come up in April and so does the grass, along with MUD. But in all honesty, I love it. Yard work is a peaceful distraction from my normal day to day and a blessing to my soul.
March on March…..let’s start up that mower!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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