A great day…..

We spent the day in Nashville, and yes when we travel I try not to let people know we are out of town….(BUT NOTE TO BURGLARS…. we always have someone staying at our ALARMED AND MONITORED house).

But Scotty, being the big musician, wanted to head to “music row,” and so we did. It was a great afternoon too. Our hotel was right by the Grand Ole Opry, but they were closed on Sundays……something I would have known had I spoken with my BOSS THE BISHOP who was not just a stage manager there many moons ago, but who met his WIFE there! So we wasted a lot of time trying to get there!
But “music row” was cool. I thought it ODD that there were about 100 people in “Rush” t-shirts, not the conservative icon, but the band. They must have played there…but since I listened to them in high school I just assumed they were dead. Not that this would have prevented them from playing, but as I have discovered…most things do not revolve around me (Okay, nothing does).
But Ben and Scotty had a great time. We ate too much, goofed off too much, and then made our way home. Not soon enough to get Viper out of the pokey (the kennel) but I will pick him up at 8!
It is just SO GOOD to be home. And as I type this on my NEW back porch (sans the cat) I have to confess that life is good. I love it here, and it truly feels like home.
Check back tomorrow night when I post about Butler’s NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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