Happy Birthday or Anniversary to me!

I grew up in an era and a place where it was customary to spank someone on their birthday. And after tonight’s thrashing of my team by the Hamilton Southeastern Bulldogs I was wondering if it really was my birthday after all. You do not play well every game, and tonight that was certainly the case. But in a week that we play 4 top 10 teams in a row with just Sunday off, and tonight being the easiest of those games, it seems we need to adjust and adjust quickly.

But back to the spankings……today is NOT my BIRTH day, but today just happens to be a birthday of sorts. Three years ago I suffered a stroke that really changed my life forever. Oddly enough, I did not remember that it was today, but I got a nice “I’m really glad you didn’t die” email from my wife that sparked my memory. Ironically, memory is an issue for me, but I thought it was kind of neat that I misplaced the day……I enjoy the days I do not think about it.
So today is also my 3rd birthday or 3rd anniversary, depending upon how one sees it…..but all I know is that not one of you bought me a gift! Oh sure, my good friend HSE Head Coach Ashley Grant (I do love her she is great) made sure I got the spanking, though I would have preferred a nice card and a Noblesville win. Tomorrow is Carmel, and they are only number 1, but it is not any type of birthday for me…..so I hope to see a different result.
Anyway, it is off to bed for me. I am thankful to be alive, but this is a day I am going to try and forget!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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