On judgment….

I suppose as a life-long Chicago Cubs fan I shouldn’t be surprised on issues of timing or judgement, but gosh darn it I just want to get a few things right.

I intended to take most of the day off except for lacrosse practice. It was raining though ALL DAY, and pretty hard too. I checked the radar, and I checked the forecast…..wet and rainy. I had quite a few girls text me to say they were missing, so I reluctantly cancelled practice just about 2 hours before it was to start. I still was heading to Noblesville around that time anyway, but guess what???? At 3pm it was SUNNY…cloudy, but sunny. I could have held practice.
I did however make good use of my time. I have to do some traveling in a few days, so I thought I could drive part and fly part, and in doing so drop Steph’s car off to her so she can get home in a few weeks without us heading out to move her back. Of course it is after such a decision is made that her car falls apart. Scotty was driving it Saturday and it had a flat. I went in to have it repaired (that’s why I was in Noblesville) and it had a nail in it….AND two other tires needed to be replaced. It also made all sorts of noises, so it is at the shop tonight to be looked at tomorrow. I just hope I can afford the gas to get her home!
But at least now I am at home and heading to bed. My day of rest was a bust, but at least ALL the cars have new wipers, one has new tires, and the big issue, MY LOST CELL PHONE, has been solved. Apparently I had a program on it that turned off the ringer and it was in a place that I put it so it would not get lost. My post-stroke mind is very meticulous, but sadly I often forget the details even when I am careful. At least I found it.
So if all goes to plan, hopefully I will forget this day. I am looking forward to tomorrow. At least I will enter it with a working cell phone!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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