A bad day made better……okay great!

Look what my youngest son found out the window today, not one, but TWO rainbows. We had just talked about rainbows, as we headed up to Christ the King Kokomo on a day I was supposed to have a lacrosse game, and a day it was not supposed to rain. My game was cancelled…..due to rain.

Needless to say, I was a bit put off by the day. I was making my way to Kokomo MUCH earlier than I was intending to. (I was going after my game, probably arriving there at around 10pm) The day began by ME forgetting to take Ben’s blanket into Cindy’s house when I dropped him off, something she and I both realized AFTER I made the 13 mile jaunt back to my house. When she called me, Ben was having a meltdown. And we both knew it would not end till he had the blanket. He comes by this genetically, in that Amanda has the same issue. She cannot be separated from her first 4-H award (a ribbon from 1984, 1st place in Interpretive Sheep Choreography) that she tucks in her left shoe each morning. But regardless, I took them the blanket. The day was all downhill from there.
But the rainbowS made it pretty cool. We got pretty close to the end of one of them, and although I know there is no pot of gold there, it sure did light up where it ended in a bright array of colors. I told Ben (yes it was a wasted statement of meaning) that I am almost 50 years old and I have NEVER been that close to the end of a rainbow, let alone two. It made a day that was going poorly, one of the coolest I have ever lived. And for that, I am thankful!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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