It’s da PROM…….

Tonight we had the great honor and privilege to see Scotty and his girlfriend Lizzie off to the Prom! It was a wonderful experience. Scott, as you can see, was as handsome as ever, and Lizzie looked absolutely striking. Of course I see them both just about everyday, but Lizzie most often at practice since she is my starting center. Generally I see her in workout clothes with her hair bundled up…tonight was a pretty big difference.

But the beauty is that they were elated to be going, and especially together. They always have a great time, but tonight I am sure will be special. I was glad to be a small part.
We brought over some desserts (okay, Amanda made them at Scotty’s request) and Lizzie’s mom was making them, and another couple, dinner. Amanda gave Scotty her car for the night, and although his joke about keeping himself at .07 on the alcohol limit t keep it legal was a funny thing to say to her (Amanda), it was a baseless joke as he is still 3 years and a month away from drinking legally anyhow. He will need to work on his formal wear humor.
The day was not lost on his brother either, who informed me this morning that he was going to Prom too. When I asked him about his date/girlfriend, he told me that he was going with Lizzie too, and that Scotty would be sharing. Tonight when that didn’t work out for him he allowed only TWO pictures to be taken of himself and the happy couple. I sure to hope that Prince Harry was a little bit more generous today at the Royal Wedding.
Anyway, it was a great time. And although it is just nine, it is a great enough time for me to retire. I am sure Scotty and Lizzie will enjoy the night, but I will hear about it tomorrow. They join a lot of wonderful kids that I know tonight, and many of whom happen to be my players. I hope it’s Da Bomb…..after all, it is Da Prom…..
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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