Of Cardinals and other soon to be extinct birds….

I posted last night about being a busy beaver, and tonight I am posting from a hotel 5 minutes from the St. Louis Airport (the one that was hit and closed by the tornado 7 days ago) where I will be flying to Little Rock tomorrow morning. But I have been to Peoria today where I met with Church Planters from Peoria and Bloomington, Illinois AND I am waiting for Stephanie to get out of the year-end lacrosse banquet so I can take her and her buddy Cassie (who will live with us this summer) out to dinner and give Steph her car. It has been a delight to travel in her 1999 Mazda 626 for all these miles. My almost 50 year old back feels like a cracker.

But it will be great to see her. Everyone else is holding down the fort at home, and as I spoke with them the conversation was cut SHORT…..meaning, most probably, that I am in trouble. Genetically, Ben causes trouble because of ME. And tonight he was doing a great job of just that, causing trouble. Our phone conversation was cut short. We will see if she calls back.
But tonight I will get to go out and visit with Stephanie and Cassie. It will be a nice time, and I am looking forward to it. It doesn’t overshadow the work we did today in Illinois, but it reflects a contrast. This morning there were 12 of us at lunch and 5 of us where 3 and under. I live that life with Ben. But I remember Steph and Scott at that age, and all kids get there. And as we visited at lunch with clergy wives and kids, my memory went into full gear. Times change, but we need to realize the importance of them all. Time will fly by…..we need to enjoy it all.
And today, I am. Thank you Lord for my family, and for all the wonderful people you have put in my life to walk and work with me in faith. They are a blessing to me….let them be a blessing to all.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless, from the home of the EVIL and God’s LEAST FAVORITE TEAM, the St. Louis Cardinals.

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