Friday the 13th…..

Although I am not superstitious, and although I not only frequently wore the number 13 and it is my favorite number, and although Stephanie’s jersey number is 13, Friday the 13th didn’t go all that well for us today. Scotty’s team was CLOCKED by the Carmel Greyhounds, and it was as if not a thing was going right at all.

But it really had nothing to do with the date, and I mean it really didn’t. Superstitions, horoscopes, full moons, reality TV, Legos, and Methodists, as well all the other nonsense that comes with them have no bearing on real life. Teams win games, not by what shoe we tie first, but by playing well, and tonight our team just did not have it. Sadly, that is often the case when I come to watch, but I do not believe that it has anything to do with it (see above).
So anyway, today was a day we just survived and we are all happy about it too. Tomorrow is another day, filled with new adventure and new opportunities.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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