On the cusp of a manic weekend…….

It is going to be a very busy few days coming up, and before it begins I am already behind. I just want to survive until Tuesday!

Tomorrow, God Willing, Scotty will walk across the stage at Noblesville High School and graduate. It is a MASSIVE event with all the kids graduating, the gym is always too hot, and you can barely see your child graduate……but we would not miss it for the world! It is a great accomplishment, and not so much a finish line for him as a starting line.
Then, on Saturday, Amanda has a birthday. She will be 35 and will be depressed about it. I vaguely remember 35, and as I recall there was not too much to be depressed about anyway. But if she had good judgement she would be married to someone else, so I will let her be depressed. It however, is always a weird day.
There is stuff also to do on Sunday and Monday, although for the life of me I cannot remember what it is. I just know I will be a part of it. My life is often not my own, and that will be the case this weekend.
It will however be a weekend to remember, and I will be glad to take part in it all.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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