Happy 35th Amanda……

Yep, today is my wife’s 35th birthday and we had a small get together for her tonight. The cake was a vintage Dairy Queen ice cream cake, and the presents from the kids and I all revolved around the theme of her new garden. She got the most excited over her new compost bin which explains a lot about why an attractive young woman like her would marry me. And I will leave it at just that.

But now the party is over, the kitchen is again clean, and we can get back to allowing Amanda the opportunity to feel old. 35, to her, is the new 60. 35, to me, is but a distant memory. 35, to most people, is just 35.
So for now we are just thankful for the day. Tomorrow she will be out to test out all that new stuff, and maybe, just maybe I can come to grips that there is a big garden in my backyard which we are apparently supporting.
There just may be a lot of salad in my future…..
Goodnight my friends and God Bless! And Happy Birthday Amanda!

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