
Well it is the end of the day and I feel restless. There is something unsettled in my spirit, and I am not quite sure of what it is. My son has graduated, and my wife’s birthday has come and gone, but there is something that seems to be burning deep within me that is calling me to pay attention. I am not quite sure of what it is, but I will take note of it and take it to heart.

I did attend a wonderful service this morning in Nashville, Indiana where I installed 5 fully trained candidates into the office of Parish Chaplains. It was an exciting time and a real blessing to me. I was in the midst of the “mother of all headaches” at the time, yet something about the day really had me feeling good. On my way to Christ the King in Kokomo I was able to find myself a Nurse Practitioner at a Walgreen’s clinic on my way there who informed me that I had two ear infections (thank God I only have two ears) and a sinus infection and prescribed me some antibiotics. I feel TONS better tonight, although I wish I had seen her two days ago.
But the bottom line is that I am home, in bed, and all I have to do is work for my wife tomorrow. I am well aware of my unsettled spirit, and will ponder that all day. Keep me in your prayers however…….I am paying attention.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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