Growing in faith………

Well, at least it’s growing……………….

Although I have had MANY gardens, I now have one that I am not a gardener in, but a laborer. I tilled and hoed…..but I did nothing else. I did not pick out what to plant, or how to plant, or even where to plant. I do not hoe or weed, though I am instructed to water…..and if you ask me what is in our garden I would have to honestly confess……..”stuff that my wife planted.”
BUT, it all seems to be growing and the garden has become yet another distraction for her instead of meeting my every need……..number 37 of 363. But who am I to complain, because if she is distracted by a garden, then the list of stuff she wants for me to do is quite a bit smaller.
Of course as I celebrated just how short this list was today, I came around the house to fine a tree down. Oh it was no just “drag it to the curb” tree….it was a “chain saw required” tree. So today I bought my first chain saw and spent the day as an arborist. And in truth I eliminated it as a potential career within five minutes. There is nothing sequential or logical about cutting trees. I was over it quickly.
But the good news is that the garden is fine, and soon I will be able to eat tomatoes morning, noon, and night……I can hardly wait.
But I WILL BE eating them with a smile……this is my wife’s garden, and I am no fool. EVERYTHING will be WONDERFUL. And I will smile and eat my veggies…..all the while dreaming of a STEAK…..which incidentally, we are not growing.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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