Tales from the madhouse…….

Tomorrow we will host Scotty’s graduation party. And it is quite the affair to prepare for from the condition of our home. Empty trays are out in their places with labels, the refrigerator is full of bags (with labels) and I have been forced to wear a name tag all night, but I do not know why.

An odd part about all these events is that there are also labels in “code” of things to eat that would kill me! I am deathly allergic to seafood, and oddly enough every time we do something even similar to this there is seafood. My wife and mother-in-law carefully label these things for me, and if there is a possibility that something can be made “sans seafood” they make me a few and make them accordingly. SO as you can imagine, I suck up to them both big time pre-preparation, lest they both take a marvelous vacation on the Caribbean to get over my “accidental” death. Yep, it would be ridiculously easy to make me look like an accident.
But for now I just do what I am told….in fact, we all do. The party will be by us soon enough, and then we will go back to just our normal level of madness.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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