The Great Banquet…….

Although we have had the worst record in my coaching tenure, tonight we said goodbye to nine players that I have a great connection to. Most of these girls I have coached their entire high school careers and they are important to me and I will miss them. Most will go onto play lacrosse in college, and I am proud of them all.

It is always a bittersweet time for me. I am saddened to see girls I have mentored and walked with leave the team, yet I am excited for them as they go onto a new chapter in their lives. Fortunately I am blessed in this, the age of technology, that I am able to keep up with many of them through things like Facebook and email. It is pretty cool to keep in touch.
So tonight I thank God for the opportunity I have to coach the Noblesville Lady Millers. The banquet marks the end of an era.
But of course it also means the beginning of yet another!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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