The First Day of Summer….well, almost………

One of the things about running behind is that you are behind…..and personally I hate that. Yet today, that is where I find myself, behind.

Of course the view from here is spectacular. I can see everything I needed to be doing right in front of me, and can even envision how wonderful it would have been to have it done. Oh no, I am not bitter about it, I am just frustrated. And it will take quite a bit of work tomorrow if I ever want to catch up at all.
Oh if I were just less intense! Or even just a bit! But alas, it is not meant to be……I will be scrambling tomorrow, in addition to heading to the dentist which I no longer find traumatic now that I no longer am an active ice hockey player. Well, I am active, just not on the ice any longer.
So tomorrow will be my official first as of SUMMER. And yes, I know that the 21st was the longest day, but I am going to PRETEND in a DELUSIONAL way!
Clearly, with all the stuff I need to do, I am going to need the extra time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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