
I was thinking tonight about obsessions as I tend to see them in everyone.  Yes, most people seem to be obsessed by something.  But when I speak of obsessions, I am not talking about them in the ways that a psychiatrist would, especially as I am not a psychiatrist.  I am talking instead about things we are both drawn to and think about A LOT.

Some people are obsessed with sports, others fashion, others cars, others working out or running, and others like my son Ben, stupid video games with worse graphics than if they were produced in 1980.  Ben cannot seem to get enough of these, even though he is limited to the amount he plays, but part of his obsession is that he wants to share with us (or anyone around) every single solitary detail about playing.  And it excites him more that a Jehovah’s Witness in the doorbell section of Lowes (I will pay for that joke dearly when I see my sister Sarah again, as she will not find it nearly as funny as I do, but it cracks me up!)  So let me digress here into a side note joke she and I both used to enjoy (she was a Jehovah’s Witness)  But what do you get when you cross a Jehovah’s Witness with an Anglican? The answer is, someone who will ring your doorbell and not say anything!!  Yep she’d laugh at that!  But let’s move on.

I however have a lot to do, as does my wife.  And hearing about the intricacies of Minecraft or whatever he is playing is not a big value added thing.  Spending time with him is, but he is not interested in that.  He just wants to talk about the game…..ALL THE TIME.  But since my stroke, I developed a kind of OCD, so I am always cleaning stuff and very busy at it……bwhahaha.  (Now tell me that isn’t funnier than my wife…no, I don’t have THAT KIND) But I do have a stroke induced OCD and since I work from home I require ALOT of concentration.  And the point is, how many worlds one walks in within Minecraft is not really connected to any of that work.  In a way I wish it were because I could just buy some tokens and make my life a lot easier, but until that develops in life I will just have to tough it out.

But for now there is peace as he is in bed……and my bed at that. (I will be moving him as 6 year olds are boneless and unwakeable after they are out)  Amanda worked these past two days despite teetering on the edge of a migraine.  It is awful as she will be miserable all week. Normally she takes a bunch of meds and sleeps at least a day and just gets back a little slow.  This “obsession” to work though it makes her pay and it is painful to watch.  SO I have been taking the Minecraft hits and for her he just dishes out the hugs and snuggling.

I clearly need some better obsessions.  Mine are not paying off like his.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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