On the border……

I am on my way to a meeting in Lexington tomorrow and I thought in the interest of getting some rest that I would head to a hotel in Louisville tonight. And for those who do not know, Louisville is right across the border from the great state of Indiana.

It has been a good decision too. The hotel is perhaps one of the nicest I have ever been in, and more that this, it is right next to the Ohio river. The picture is of the river looking east from the boardwalk (although it it cement) by my hotel. It is a beautiful site and one that makes me feel it was the right decision to come. I checked in, I walked to the restaurant (the food was LOUSY, but it was a good walk) and then I walked to the river. It was very relaxing.
Now however I am back in my room and in bed. Tomorrow I will make the short jaunt to Lexington and the meeting. It will be all day tomorrow and Saturday for a half day. I am glad I will have the stamina to get through it….particularly because I made this trip to just across the border. Thank God for the rest….now I need some more. I am off to bed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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