On meeting Elvis…….at Breyerfest 2011…..

I have been in Lexington today and will be most of tomorrow as well, and it has been a pretty productive time. I am staying in a hotel on the north side of town with approximately 10,000 little girls and their moms, along with about 1,000,000,000 plastic horses. Apparently I booked a room during the annual Breyerfest celebration in Lexington…..I just looked it up www.breyerhorses.com/blog/2011/01/28/breyerfest2011/

But despite the fact that I didn’t fit in, it was really kind of cool. It was really neat seeing tons of little girls and their moms enjoying everything together. All their rooms seemed to be opened up to show off and even sell some of their collections, and I was actually amazed at how very into it they all seemed to be, yet it was something I had never heard of.
But what REALLY amazed me was walking down the hall and hearing a familiar voice…..ELVIS. I headed toward it, convinced they had some sort of impersonator there, but what I found instead was a hotel lounge, karaoke, and a guy who not only sounded a heck of a lot LIKE Elvis, but who LOOKED like him too (he was even in a jumpsuit)…AND HE WAS THE RIGHT AGE AS WELL! SO I did what any other red blooded American would…..I went in and snapped this picture.
As you can see like any picture taken of Elvis, it turned out just like the the ones of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
Oh well……I am heading to bed.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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