Happy Birthday Cassie!

Today has been a great day! Today has been Cassie’s birthday, and we celebrated with a dinner tonight at Magginano’s Little Italy. It was a great time with an evening ending (at least for me) bit of ice cream cake and the giving of a few gifts.

Of course THEY are all downstairs playing Jenga. And of course I am upstairs typing away. I no longer have the patience to play a game like that, PLUS when the thing crashes down I just hate the noise. Yes, I am saying Jenga is a young person’s game I guess. I clearly need to get on my Bermuda shorts and hit the shuffleboard courts with my cronies.
But the day started with Ben and I heading to Cindy’s house for him to stay the day. What I didn’t get was his attire coming out the door. He was in a winter lacrosse hat, with a blankie, and a lunchbox. I was really not sure what to think other than I may want to have his DNA checked.
But all in all it has been a blast. Everyone is home and I am ready for bed. Ben will go quite soon as well. As for the Jenga junkies, I do not know. I am just thankful for a pretty good day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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