Bang Bang…..

Today we went down for a clergy meeting in Nashville, and I had the great pleasure of taking Scotty along with me. Scotty does not get to go to many of my meetings, but since we were moving a refrigerator as well, I thought why not take a strapping 18 year old guy to left everything? It turned out to be a good decision.

But a bonus of heading to Nashville was the opportunity to stop at Father Dan’s house, where we had the opportunity to shoot on the range a bit. Danny is a retired State Trooper, and he was able to get us together for a little team building by shooting a few guns a targets.
Scotty had never shot before and was elated to have the opportunity. He was pretty good at it too, which is a pretty important trait for a kid who will not just be heading to college, but the military. It was neat to see, and more than that, it was also great to see Danny, a cop and a Marine, talking to Scotty about what he was doing. Scotty will be signing with the Marines as soon as they schedule his testing and physical, and where they are now friends, clearly soon they will be brothers.
But it was a great day, and a proud day as well. Scotty and I will be with each other all day tomorrow too…….but I cannot imagine it being any more special than the gift I received of seeing his enthusiasm and talent as I watched him shoot today!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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