Dodging the Rainbow Warrior……..

This is another one of those pictures that was taken the day before, although Ben did make another trip to the pool today. Yesterday it was with his mom, and I took the picture when I stopped by. Today he went to the pool with his sister. He is big into the pool.

Of course I am not allowed at the pool. I went there earlier in the season and when I was getting out of the water about 20 of those Greenpeace loonies hit me with a tranquilizer dart, weighed me, tagged me, and rolled me back into the water. It would have been okay had ANY of them had pool passes, but apparently they just snuck in, so no more pool for me.
Of course I would not be dealing with such things if I would take this Biggest Loser thing more seriously. Yep, with just a little over three weeks to go I am considering hitting this with at least a bit of intention. I made the decision to go off my meds that are causing the weight gain, but I am only half way through coming off them. And the problem is my competitive nature really conflicts me as to what to do. Do I push and struggle, or do I just wait to see how life goes off the meds.
In the meantime I will just stay away from water (not showers, but pools). I am confident that it will all be fine, but the bigger issue is not the weight as much as it is going off the meds. (It is not for sissies!) But hopefully by the fall I will be able to join Ben in the water without fear of being rescued. Oh it will happen………I am just impatient in meeting that goal.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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