Lot’s of thinking to do……

One of the benefits of travel is that I have a bit more time to reflect upon the happenings in my life and the directions and paths upon which I travel. I have to confess that I have been more than dissatisfied by many of the decisions that I have made in my life, and although as a pastor I confess that I tend to feel “God led,” some of this mess I call my life, if not the majority of it, I cannot blame on Him.

But I am just 50, which is really just a kid in my family, and I am considering a few “course corrections” in my life.
One, I will be TOTALLY off the meds that cause the weight gain NEXT WEEK. I am struggling to adjust to the loss of them. What I can say though is that the problems that they treated in the beginning, though clearly still there, seem much more manageable than it was at the beginning. I am going to give it a shot in a week ALMOST med free!
But the other is this general dis-ease of feeling that both my life and ministry are not quite in sync with where God wants them to be. I have tonight and tomorrow night away from home and in the hotels I intend to spend some time alone working through these issues. I feel confident that they are significant for me.
But for now I must head to bed. It is about 11:30 and the day is well past over for me. Pray for me as I leave the beautiful Pittsburgh area and make my way into Ohio. I will make a presentation tomorrow night in Madison. So even tomorrow will be a busy day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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