Bond, James Bond…….

I almost didn’t post this picture……there is nothing worse than having a four year old who thinks he is James Bond, and who looks better than you do with a gun and no shirt…, his biceps seem more formed.

But I will post it nonetheless. Ben’s good buddies Gabe and Bella are back from Michigan and they got together this afternoon for a pool party. Of course I could not go….it is a work day, but it clearly didn’t prevent any of them from having fun. And on a day that has seen more than its share of stress for me, this picture was a welcome gift.
But it is now 10:30pm and I am home really for the first time today of any significant length. AND fortunately that length will include a good night’s sleep (I hope). I have already found that James Bond is in my bed, and although his mom is asleep, he is up awaiting my return to talk about some secret mission. He is going to be sadly disappointed, as I am ready to put out to pasture as they say.
But it is good to make it home, and good to see my bed. My mom is about the same, yet in a 20 minute visit all I got was an “okay.” She is not in pain, and we are all thankful for that.
So off to bed I go!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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