Decisions, decisions……..

The problem with having an overdeveloped sense of humor is that no one often gets it, and in truth after awhile, they just stop believing it altogether.

You see, today I found a site that would let me design my mom’s headstone, so I took some liberty……disrespectful? NOT AT ALL… mom was a great jokester.
As an example, I was a big fan of Inspector Clouseau. In fact, I used to imitate him all the time at home. So every time my mom would see me do something she would say “swine” in a French accent. No, it was not exactly top shelf comedy, but it was funny to us. Other examples were a bit more bizarre I guess, so maybe I should stop right here.
But back to the headstone. I actually designed one that had a bass (fish) flying out of the water as it was hooked on the line (next to her name) with the words “I’ll catch you later!” She would have laughed herself silly at that. Say what you will for her, pre-Alzheimer’s she was sharp and always good for a laugh.
But in all honesty, the headstone I ordered will just bear her name, date of birth, and date of death…..with no fish of any kid at all. It’s nice, but pretty bland……not quite her forte.
I will have to figure out some sort of add on…….after all, it’s her stone and I want her to be happy!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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