A night we would rather not have…..

Although I wish this were just a cute picture, it is actually of Ben tonight at a Holiday Inn in Goshen, Indiana. We are here because my grandma was found unconscious in her apartment tonight (she lives in assisted living) and she is now in Goshen General Hospital unconscious and unresponsive.

But Ben and Scott and I came right up, as they had called the family in. I was glad to see her, even if she cannot respond. Although she is 95, I have fifty years of an amazing relationship with her. They are just not sure exactly why this has happened. Tests for stroke, were negative.
Of course being 95 and frail may have a lot to do with it. I talked to her a few days ago and she seemed fine, and I was going to call earlier tonight, but thought it was too late. I was going to tomorrow. Of course tomorrow is here….and so are we. We hope to just get some rest and head back up in the morning, that is, if we are not called in tonight.
Please keep my grandma (Dorothy Middleton) in your prayers….and our family too.
Hotels are fun, but this one we would rather not be at.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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