It was over before it even started……

I just do not know how to share such devastating information, but last night Ben informed me that he was not going to go to school, because kids who go to school have to sleep in their own beds, and he didn’t want to sleep alone.  That’s right, last night my 4 year old son dropped out of school.

Of course we are shocked.  We had big plans for him….not that I would ever see what he became as I am too dang old already, but we never imagined this.  It is heartbreaking to say the least.

And of course things like this always seem to happen on the weekend, which means I will have to wait until the morning to call the school system and ask what he needs to do to start working on his GED.  I cannot say that we are pleased, but he gets his stubbornness from his mom.

I just hope he can recover and make something of his life…….after all, we have enough clergy already.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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