Too little, too fast……

Being a parent is hard work.  After driving Drew Carey all around Missouri (see yesterday’s blog) I spent as much time as I could with Steph in between her games, and suddenly we were back in the car heading home.  Too little, too fast…..but I wouldn’t trade a moment of it.

And of course now I am home typing, and waiting not just for my alarm to go off at 6, but also for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving when she will return home.   I was able to see her play in three games though.  She is an awesome player, and it was fun to watch.  As regular readers know, I have also resigned my position as the Noblesville High School Women’s Lacrosse Coach, so I will, for the remainder of her college career, be able to attend her games.  It felt weird to sit there and watch just as a parent…..but I will get used to it.  It is just so very cool to see her play at this level.

The picture was impromptu as we were walking towards our car to leave.  These young women are amazing lacrosse players, and even more impressive as people.  Two of them saw us taking the picture and stopped their car and ran over to be a part!  It was a lot of fun.

But now it’s back to the grind.  Tomorrow is another day…..and one more to cross out on our way to Thanksgiving break!  Yee Ha!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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