Cha cha cha cha changes……….

This morning I got a message from Google asking me if I wanted to look at some new formats for my blog.  Being a guy who really cannot stand change, I was a bit hesitant as my blog has had the same format since the beginning.  And in addition to that, consistency and routine are really good for me, so I originally decided to keep it the same.

But then I thought that readers might like to scroll through pictures, which I have only been doing for a couple of years.  The blog title has always had a connection to the content, but often you cannot tell what it is about by looking at the title.  This new format, one of MANY I can try, allows the picture, date, and title to display.  And clicking on it brings up that day.  Let me know what you think.  I hate to colors, but maybe if I can fond someone smart enough they can help me change it!

And speaking of change, since that is what this entry is about……I was trying to quote David Bowie in the title and even find a picture of him, but the weird ones are too weird and the recent ones just look like a middle aged guy that many people would not recognize.  So the water will not be as deep here as I intended.  But I hope you get the point.  I may be changing the format, and although I still will use this as a discipline and therapy as I have since my stroke, I am also well aware that a lot of people read this, and I can work a little harder to make it more appealing for them as well.

So change seems to be upon this, but we will see.  I just would like to know what you think!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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