The move…….

Although I posted yesterday about “Da Twins,” today we began to make a few moves to separate them.  For the last year they have lived in a “suite,” with a TV room and couch (and toys) on one side, a bathroom in the middle, and both their beds in the larger bedroom on the other side.  It was a deal they both enjoyed and were committed to, but things are “a-changin” here, and we needed to make some adjustments.

Scotty is still scheduled to go into the US Marines.  And as he has always been on track to do, he intends to serve in the reserves as he finishes college before going “all in.”  But his original intention was to do that in St. Louis next year after basic and his MOS training.  He is now reconsidering that.  He is now thinking that he may return here, live at home while in college, and get his degree at IUPUI.  Either way is fine with me, BUT… he has free room and board, a full time JOB that they will hold for him….AND on Sundays he works for me.   I would lose a musician for 6 months and then one Sunday a month, BUT it would be really great to have him around.

To make his accommodations feel a bit more private and permanent however, we took out the couch, moved his furniture into the other room, and I gave him the desk from my office that used to be my dad’s.  Amanda got me a new desk and credenza for our anniversary that we bought tonight, so he is now all set up to study.  PLUS there is another good feature of all this…….Ben goes to bed and does not wake up when Scott comes in to go to bed anymore.  Their bathroom is the same, now between them and still a mess.  And in all reality, they are still sharing the same two rooms.  Ben will now just have to go through the bathroom to sneak into bed with Scott or to beat him up, and Scott seems very pleased that he has his own space.  Believe me I know…..four year olds have a very poor sense of boundary.

So things are just a bit different than yesterday, but I am glad everyone is okay with it.  Change is always hard, and so far I am wondering just when the storm will hit.  So far so good!  I will count my blessings.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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