The killer of all my problems……

I’ve gotta admit, it scared me!  I am in the process of cleaning up and rearranging my office and as I came up the stairs and into that office tonight I saw Puddy gnawing on something on the floor.  Since both the cat and dog eat in my office I assumed it was a cat treat…..but it was pretty far from where I give her those.

Of course my office is in MAJOR disarray, but not enough to miss the MOUSE!  It was dead, and BIG, and to be honest I have no idea where it came from (other than from a mommy and daddy mouse) but I am uncertain whether she caught it up here or downstairs and brought it to her dining room.  Either way, I did not care.  I took her dinner right outside and disposed of it.

Of course I intend to show it to our exterminator tomorrow after I call him.  Other than the mouse, I see no signs of one being here.  Puddy however is an excellent hunter.  This I am certain is her first mouse.  She has eaten her share of bugs, spiders, praying mantis, and walking sticks at our old house.  And I am hoping at the mouse funeral all the other mice say, “hey, this cat means business.”

Puddy however will now need shots.  She has not had them in years, as she is our vet’s WORST PATIENT.  And since she was an indoor cat, she has not had to visit for quite some time.  Her visits SCARE the other clients, as she wails as if some one was killing her.  AND she BITES.  They actually wear welding gloves to immunize her.  But at home she is pretty sweet, except to the mouse.  And we need to keep that up.  I am guessing she caught it elsewhere and brought it up to my office to impress me, as if I was considering putting her to sleep.  No way!  She is a first class hunter, and although I will arrange some immunizations for her, there really is some tuna in her future.

So alarm system shalarm system…..I’ve got a killer cat. (and a dead mouse)  Thank God for her killer instincts!  I just hope she continues to be on the prowl.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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